My best t-shirt ever

It’s been a fairly cold month in Tulsa.  I haven’t felt like running for several weeks because it’s been too chilly or because I’ve had a cold.  On New Year’s Eve I was looking in my closet for a shirt and grabbed my heather-gray One Life Revolution t-shirt that I’ve owned for probably 6 or 7 years.  For about the thousandth time, I read the words “You have one life, do something.”

olr tshirt

And just like every other time I’ve read it, I found myself ready to go.  This time it was for the run.  Get the shirt on, lace up the shoes, and get on the trail.   There is a strength in wearing those words.  They motivate me not to settle for the status quo or give up when passion is lacking.

Sometimes I put it on after a week of being distracted by insignificant details in life and it reminds me that I’ve lost perspective.   Does the competition I feel with another person really matter?  Do the small injustices of slow traffic or a fellow shopper cutting in front of me in the store really impact my life?  Will the lecture I just gave my daughter matter in the long run?  Many times, the answer is “no.”

Often it’s a conversation starter with people I meet.  They want to know about One Life Revolution and I have the privilege of sharing with them the story of a movement where students were challenged to combat AIDS in Zambia and how teenagers in Tulsa raised tens of thousands of dollars over several years as a part of that movement.

But always, it is an igniter to action in my life.  It is always challenging me to get off my butt and get something done—for my health, for my family, for my world.  It’s funny how a humble little t-shirt has had such a positive force in my life.  And it’s completely amazing to me how durable it has been since there is hardly any deterioration in the fabric or fading of the words.

I’m hoping it lasts a long time so I can keep pulling it off a hanger in my closet on the days when my frame of mind is less than impressive.  And, I hope the message of my life has the same positive force and endurance.

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One response to “My best t-shirt ever

  1. what a great t-shirt and post! I think I will make a sign for my wall with that on it. It is a wonderful reminder, not out of duty, but as a challenge to leave behind something greater than ourselves. We have been given an awesome gift in grace–God’s power and ability within us to do more and become more than we could ever hope, think or dream. Sometimes it is easy to just coast along through life without a good purpose, yet I don’t want to reach the end of my days and look back to find I have nothing of value to show for my time here.

    Thanks for reconnecting with me. I think Metro is abundantly blessed to have you on staff! Blessings to you and your family–hope to run into you someday, but meantime, we have Facebook!
    Tracy Miller

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